Ground, Land 地



Kanji: 地
Hiragana: ち、じ
Pronunciation: Chi, Ji
Meaning: Ground, Land


  • 大地 (daichi) the earth; ground; the (vast) land; the solid earth
  • 台地 (daichi) plateau; tablelands
  • 地面 (jimen) ground; land
  • 土地 (tochi) ground; land; soil; locality; region; real estate
  • 地価 (chika) the price of land; land prices
  • 地下 (chika) underground; subterranean
  • 地下鉄 (chikatetsu) subway; underground railway
  • 地震 (jishin) earthquake; temblor; an earth tremor
  • 地殻変動 (chikaku-hendo, chikaku-hendoh, chikaku-hendou) diastrophism; earthshaking changes
  • 地熱 (chinetsu) terrestrial heat; geotherm
  • 地理 (chiri) geography
  • 地学 (chigaku) earth sciences
  • 地政学 (chiseigaku) geopolitics

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