Kanji: 五
Hiragana: ご、いつ(つ)
Pronunciation: Go, Itsu(tsu)
Meaning: Five
- 五階(gokai) fifth floor
- 五回 (gokai) five times
- 五歳 (gosai) five years old
- 五月 (gogatsu) May
- 五つ (itsutsu) five
- 五日 (itsuka) fifth day
Special Readings
- 五月晴れ (satsukibare) fine weather in May; fine weather during the rainy season
- 五月雨 (samidare) early summer rain; intermittently; off and on
- 五月蠅い (urusai) noisy; annoying; The etymology of this word is based on the fact that 五月 refers to May, and 蠅 means a fly. The expression “May fly” was created because the weather becomes warmer in May and flies tend to increase.
- 五十 (iso) fifty; traditional and old word
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