Spring 春: Free Caligraphy Materials



Kanji: 春
Hiragana: はる、しゅん
Pronunciation: Haru, Shun
Meaning: Spring


立春 (risshun) the beginning of spring; the first day of spring according to the lunar calender
春分 (shunbun) vernal spring equinox
春季 (shunki) spring season
初春 (shoshun) early spring; the beginning of spring; This is pronounced “hatsuharu” as Kun.
晩春 (banshun) late spring
思春期 (shishunki) adolescence
青春 (seishun) youthfulness; one’s youth
回春 (kaishun) the return of spring; recovery (from an illness)


春休み (haru-yasumi) spring vacation; spring holidays
初春 (hatsuharu) early spring; the beginning of spring; This is pronounced “shoshun” as compounds.
春風 (harukaze) spring wind


春眠暁を覚えず (shunmin-akatsukiwo-oboezu): A phrase of Chinese poem

春眠暁を覚えず (shunmin-akatsukiwo-oboezu) Spring nights are so comfortable that we tend to sleep through them, not even realizing that it’s morning. This phrase comes from Chinese poem written by 孟浩然 (Mou-kou-nen, Meng Hao-ren), originally.
