Kanji: 百
Hiragana: ひゃく、もも
Pronunciation: Hyaku, Momo
Meaning: Hundred
- 百回 (hyakkai) hundred times
- 百人一首 (hyakunin-isshu) a collection of one hundred classic Japanese waka (Japanese poetry) masterpieces
- お百度参り (ohyakudo-mairi) a traditional Japanese Buddhist event that involves visiting a particular temple 100 times
- 百枝 (momoe) hundred branches of a tree; many branches
Special Readings
- 百合 (yuri) lily
- 八百屋 (yaoya) greengrocer; fruir and vegetable shop
百人一首 (hyakunin-isshu): A collection of classic 100 Japanese poetry masterpieces
百人一首 (hyakunin-isshu) is a collection of one hundred classic Japanese waka (Japanese poetry) masterpieces. 百人一首 (hyakunin-isshu) was compiled in the 9th century and holds an important place in Japanese literature and history. The poems are in the form of 31-syllable (5, 7, 5, 7, 7), 短歌(tanka), and are mainly concerned with themes of love and nature. 百人一首 (hyakunin-isshu) is widely known as a valuable resource not only for enjoying classical Japanese culture, but also for practicing waka poetry.
お百度参り (ohyakudo-mairi): Traditional Japanese Buddhist event visiting a temple 100 times
お百度参り (ohyakudo-mairi) is a traditional Japanese Buddhist event that involves visiting a particular temple 100 times. Worshippers purify their minds, deepen their faith, and ask for atonement and repentance. While chanting sutras, they visit the temple grounds to practice and grow in their faith. When a person completes the 100th visit to a temple, he or she may be given an お札 (ofuda, votive card) from that temple. This event is a part of Japanese culture and faith and is cherished by many people.
八百万の神々 (yaoyorozu-no-kamigami): Eight million gods of Shinto
八百万の神々 (yaoyorozu-no-kamigami) translates as “eight million gods”. This is a concept in Japanese belief and religion, and is one of the main elements of Shinto. In traditional Japanese belief, there are countless gods of nature, landscapes, plants, animals, mountains, rivers, etc. These gods inhabit all things and influence people’s daily lives and natural phenomena. These deities are believed to inhabit all things and influence people’s daily lives and natural phenomena. Japanese people are generally grateful and respectful to the gods, and they deepen their connection with them by visiting shrines and performing rituals. 八百万の神々 (yaoyorozu-no-kamigami) symbolize the unique combination of Japan’s rich nature and deep religious beliefs.
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