Kanji: 日本
Hiragana: にほん、にっぽん
Pronunciation: Nihon, Nippon
Meaning: Japan
- 日本人(Nihonjin, Nipponjin) Japanese people
- 日本語 (Nihongo) Japanese language
The origin of the name “Nihon” ”Japan”
The origin of the name “Japan” comes from the Portuguese word “Japão,” which was used by Portuguese traders and explorers when they first encountered the country in the 16th century. This term eventually made its way into English and other European languages.
As for the Japanese name “Nihon” or “Nippon,” it has its roots in ancient Chinese texts. The characters used to write “Nihon” mean “origin of the sun” or “sun’s origin,” which symbolizes Japan’s location to the east of the Asian continent where the sun rises.
So, both names, “Japan” and “Nihon/Nippon,” essentially refer to the same country but originate from different linguistic and historical contexts.
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