Minute, Divide 分: Free Caligraphy Materials



Kanji: 分
Hiragana: ふん、ぶん、ぷん、わ(ける)
Pronunciation: Fun, Bun, Pun, Wa(keru)
Meaning: Minute, Divide


  • 分解 (bunkai) resolution; decomposition; break down; take apart; dismantle
  • 分裂 (bunretsu) division; split; schism; segmentation; break up; disunite
  • 半分 (hanbun) half
  • 数分 (sufun, suufun) a few minutes
  • 一分 (ippun) one minute
  • 二分 (nifun) two minutes
  • 三分 (sanpun) three minutes
  • 四分 (yonfun) four minutes
  • 分割 (bunkatsu) division; partition
  • 分度器 (bundoki) protractor; graduator
  • 夜分 (yabun) night; from sunset to bedtime
  • 春分 (shunbun) the vernal equinox
  • 秋分 (shubun, shuubun) the autumnal equinox
  • 節分 (setsubun) Japanese holiday for end of winter
  • 大儀名分 (taigi-meibun) justice and fame; righteousness and reputation
  • 天分 (tenbun) one’s nature; talent; destiny
  • 本分 (honbun) one’s duty
  • 取り分 (toribun) one’s share
  • 気分 (kibun) mood; atmosphere; feeling
  • 親分 (oyabun) boss; head; chief
  • 子分 (kobun) follower; henchman


  • 分ける (wakeru) divide; separate; classify; sort out; share
  • 分け前 (wakemae) share; a cut; portion
  • 分かれ道 (wakaremichi) a branch road; crossroad

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