One 一: Free Caligraphy Materials



Kanji: 一
Hiragana: いち、かず、はじめ、ひと(つ)
Pronunciation: Ichi, Kazu, Hajime, Hito(tsu)
Meaning: One, First, Single


  • 一 (ichi, hajime) one
  • 一番 (ichiban) the first
  • 天下一 (tenkaichi) best on earth; unique thing
  • 一人前 (ichininmae) a portion (for one person); an adult; a grown-up (person)
  • 一つ (hitotsu) one; for one thing
  • 一人 (hitori) one person
  • 一人ぼっち (hitori-bocchi) loneliness; solitude; aloneness
  • 一人旅 (hitori-tabi) travelling alone; solitary journey; journey alone
  • 一貫 (ikkan) consistency; integration; coherence; one piece of sushi
  • 一人称 (ichininsho, ichininshow, ichininshoh, ichininshou) the first person
  • 単一 (tanitsu) single

Special Readings

  • 一日 (tsuitachi) first day of the month
  • 一昨日 (issakujitsu, ototoi) day before yesterday

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