Business 商: Free Caligraphy Materials



Kanji: 商
Hiragana: あきな(い)、しょう
Pronunciation: Akina(i), Sho, Shoh, Show, Shou
Meaning: Business


  • 商売 (shobai, shohbai, showbai, shoubai) business; trade
  • 商品 (sho-hin, shoh-hin, show-hin, shouhin) merchandise; goods
  • 画商 (gasho, gashoh, gashow, gashou) picture dealer
  • 商人 (shonin, shohnin, shownin, shounin) merchant; trader; shopkeeper; tradesman; In modern daily life, the terms 販売員(hanbai-in; salesperson) or ディーラー (dealer) are used in stead of 商人.
  • 行商人 (gyoshonin, gyohshohnin, gyohshownin, gyoushounin) peddler; hawker
  • 隊商 (taisho, taishoh, taishow, taishou) caravan (of merchants)
  • 豪商 (gosho, goh-shoh, goh-show, goushou)
  • 商 (sho, show, shoh, shou) answer to the division in Math


  • 商い (akinai) trading; dealing; business

Special Readings

商人 (akindo, akyudo, akuudo) merchant; trader; shopkeeper; tradesman; In modern daily life, the terms 販売員(hanbai-in; salesperson) or ディーラー (dealer) are used in stead of 商人.
商人宿 (akihitodome) trader’s inn; merchant’s house

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