Tea, brown 茶: Free Caligraphy Materials



Kanji: 茶
Hiragana: ちゃ、さ
Pronunciation: Cha, Sa
Meaning: Tea, Brown


  • 茶道 (sado, sadoh, sadou) traditional Japanese tea ceremony
  • 茶の湯 (chanoyu) tea celemony
  • 茶色 (chairo) brown color
  • 喫茶店 (kissaten) coffee shop
  • 日常茶飯事 (nichijo-sahanji) an everyday experience
  • 抹茶 (maccha) powdered green tea (steamed and dried before being stone-ground)
  • ほうじ茶 (hojicha, hohjicha, houjicha) roasted green tea
  • 煎茶 (sencha) middle-quality green tea
  • 番茶 (bancha) coarse tea
  • 紅茶 (kocha, kohcha, koucha) tea
  • ジャスミン茶 (jasumincha) jasmin tea


  • お茶に行く (ochani-iku) Move to a place where you can eat and drink lightly for a chat.
  • お茶を濁す (ochawo-nigosu) make do with; cook up a specious story to get out of an uncomfortable situation

Special Readings

  • 山茶花/茶梅 (sazanka) Camellia sasanqua

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