High, Tall 高: Free Caligraphy Materials



Kanji: 高
Hiragana: たか(い)、こう
Pronunciation: Taka(i), Ko, Kou, Koh
Meaning: High, Hight, Tall


  • 高校 (koko, kohkoh,koukou) high school
  • 高低 (kote, kohtei, koutei) high and low
  • 標高 (hyoko, hyohkoh, hyoukou) elevation; height above sea level; altitude
  • 高年齢 (konenrei, kohnenrei, kounenrei) elderly; aged; advanced age
  • 高名 (koumei) renown; fame; notoriety
  • 高揚 (koyo, kohyoh) elevation; uplift
  • 崇高 (suko, suukoh, suukou) nobility; sublimity; loftiness
  • 高原 (kogen, kohgen, kougen) highland
  • 高価 (koka, kohka, kouka) high price; expensive; costly
  • 高貴 (koki, kohki, kouki) noble
  • 高大 (kodai, kohdai, koudai) vast; extensive
  • 高潔 (koketsu, kohketsu, kouketsu) nobility
  • 高官 (kokan, kohkan, koukan) high official (in the government)


  • 高跳び (takatobi) high jump
  • 背が高い (sega-takai) A person is tall.
  • 高さ (takasa) hight
  • 残高 (zandaka) (bank) balance

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