Become 成: Free Caligraphy Materials



Kanji: 成
Hiragana: な(る)、せい
Pronunciation: Na(ru), Sei
Meaning: Become


  • 成人 (seijin) adult
  • 成熟 (seijuku) ripeness; maturity
  • 完成 (kansei) completion; perfection; finished
  • 成婚 (seikon) marriage; wedding
  • 醸成 (josei, johsei, jousei) brew; foment; ferment
  • 成就 (seijuku) fulfillment; accomplish; attain; achieve; realize; be answered
  • 養成 (yosei, yohsei, yousei) training; develop one’s strength; cultivate one’s strength
  • 熟成 (jukusei) mature; ripen
  • 成績 (seiseki) (school) record; results; agrade; a mark
  • 成約 (seiyaku) conclusion of a contract; signing a contract; reach an agreement
  • 成敗 (seibai) judgement; punishment
  • 成功 (seiko, seikoh, seikou) success
  • 成仏 (jobutsu, johbutsu, joubutsu) going to heaven; entering Nirvana; resting in peace; passing away peacefully
  • 成長 (seicho, seichoh, seichou) growth


  • 成り行き (nariyuki) the course of events; at the market
  • 成り立ち (naritachi) the origin; a history; structure
  • 成金 (narikin) the new rich; an upstart

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