Kanji: 足
Hiragana: あし、そく
Pronunciation: Ashi, Soku
Meaning: Foot, Leg
- 満足 (manzoku) satisfaction; sufficient; sufficiency; contentment; complacency; complacence; be pleased with; gratified; complete; healthy
- 不足 (fusoku) insufficiency; lack; shortage; running short; dissatisfaction; needy; straitened; in want; missing
- 充足 (jusoku, juusoku) providing enough; satisfied; contentment
- 蛇足 (dasoku) superfluity; something redundant; superfluous; unnecessary additions
- 義足 (gisoku) artificial leg; wooden leg
- 足跡 (sokuseki) footprint; footmark; history; achievements; mark
- 足場 (ashiba) foothold; scaffold
- 足踏み (ashibumi) stamp one’s feet; marched in place; a standstill; be getting nowhere; mark time
- 足跡 (ashiato) footprint; footmark; the tracks; the trail
- 足首 (ashikubi) ankle
- 足止め (ashidome) inducement to stay; be grounded
- 足す (tasu) add; plus; make up
Special Readings
- 足袋 (tabi) Japanese socks with the big toes separate
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