Angle, Side 方: Free Caligraphy Materials



Kanji: 方
Hiragana: ほう、かた
Pronunciation: Ho, Hoh, Hou, Kata
Meaning: Angle, Side


  • 方角 (hogaku, hohgaku, hougaku) a point of the compass; direction
  • 方向 (hoko, hohkoh, houkou) direction; acourse; aim
  • 正方形 (sehoke, seihohkei, seihoukei) square
  • 両方 (ryoho, ryoh-hoh, ryouhou) both
  • 片方 (kataho, katahoh, katahou) one side; the other side; one of a pair
  • 地方 (chiho, chihoh, chihou) country; provinces; local; district; region
  • 処方 (shoho, shohoh, shohou) prescribe; prescription
  • 四方八方 (ho, hoh, hou) in all directions; from all directions; far and wide in every direction; high and low everywhere


  • やり方 (yarikata) a way; a means; how to do
  • 書き方 (kakikata) how to write; a manner/way of writing
  • 朝方 (asagata) in the early morning; toward(s) morning
  • 夕方 (yugata, youugata) evening
  • お方 (okata) this lady or gentleman
  • 味方 (mikata) supporter; ally; friend; stand by

Special Readings

  • 行方 (yukue) whereabouts
  • 方舟 (hakobune) ark

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