Kanji: 水
Hiragana: みず、すい、ずい
Pronunciation: Mizu, Sui
Meaning: Water
- 水道 (suido, suidoh, suidou) water supply; water service
- 水泳 (suiei) swimming
- 増水 (zosui, zohsui, zousui) rising water (of river, lake, etc.); increased water volume (of river, lake, etc.); swelling water
- 噴水 (funsui) fountain
- 満水 (mansui) full to the brim with water
- 洪水 (kozui, kohzui, kouzui) flood
- 雨水 (usui) rain water
- 海水 (kaisui) ocean water; seawater
- 水滴 (suiteki) drop of water
- 水中 (suichu) under/in the water
- 水面 (suimen) the surface of the water
- 流水 (ryusui, ryuusui) running water
- 流水 (suiryu, suiryuu) water flow; stream flow
- 水筒 (suito, suitoh, sutou) water bottle; thermos bottle
- 水稲 (suito, suitoh, sutou) paddy rice
- 飲み水 (nomi-mizu) drinking water
- 水浴び (mizuabi) bathing
- 水着 (mizugi) bathing suit; swimsuit
- 雨水 (ama-mizu) rain water
- 水をさす (mizu-wo-sasu) hamper; throw cold water (on); put a damper on
- 水を向ける (mizu-wo-mukeru) draw; pump; lead
Special Readings
- 清水 (shimizu) clear/pure water
- 水月 (kurage) jellyfish
- 水無月 (minatsuki) June
- 水面 (minamo) the surface of the water
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