That 彼: Free Caligraphy Materials



Kanji: 彼
Hiragana: かれ、かの、ひ
Pronunciation: Kare, Kano, Hi
Meaning: That, There, He


  • 彼岸 (higan) the vernal and autumnal equinoctial week


  • 彼 (kare) he; his; him; boyfriend
  • 彼氏 (kareshi) boyfriend
  • 彼女 (kanojo) girlfriend

Special Readings

  • 彼方 (kanata) that one (something physically distant from both speaker and listener, or something not visible but known by both speaker and listener)


彼岸 (higan): The vernal and autumnal equinoctial week

彼岸 (higan) is one of the most important events in Japanese Buddhism and is celebrated twice a year, on the spring and autumnal equinoxes.

彼岸 (higan) is a period for making offerings to deceased ancestors and the deceased and praying for their repose. During this period, families and relatives visit graves, offer incense at Buddhist altars, and lay hands on the spirits of the deceased. Special foods and offerings are also prepared to express gratitude to the deceased.

彼岸 (higan) is also a time to reflect on the importance of the cycle of life and death and compassion, based on Buddhist teachings. In Buddhism, it is believed that the spirits of the deceased temporarily come to life during the higan period, and that by making offerings during this time, one hopes for the repose of the deceased’s soul.

彼岸 (higan) is a traditional Japanese event and is cherished by many families and temples. It is a time to be mindful of our gratitude and offerings to the deceased, and as a living person, it is also a time to cherish the connections we have with those we love.

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