Day, Date 日: Free Caligraphy Materials



Kanji: 日
Hiragana: ひ、び、にち、か
Pronunciation: Hi, Bi, Nichi, Ka
Meaning: Day, Date, Sun


  • 日曜日 (nichiyobi, nichiyohbi) Sunday
  • 二日 (futsuka) two days; second day of the month
  • 毎日 (mainichi) everyday
  • 日没 (nichibotsu) sunset
  • 数日 (suzitsu, suuzitsu) a few days
  • 白日 (hakuzitsu) bright sunshine
  • 同日 (dohzitsu, douzitsu) same day
  • 平日 (heizitsu) weekday
  • 祝日 (shukuzitsu) National Holidays
  • 連日 (renzitsu) day after day
  • 来日 (rainichi) coming to Japan; visit to Japan
  • 日米 (nichibei) Japan-America
  • 日印 (nichiin) Japan and India
  • 日英 (nishiei) Japanese-UK; Japanese-English
  • 日仏 (nichifutsu) Japan and France; Japanese-French
  • 日中 (nicchu) Japan and China; Japanese-Chinese
  • 日韓 (nikkan) Japan and South Korea; Japanese-Korean
  • 日露 (nichiro) Japan and Russia; Japanese-Russian


Special Reading

  • 明日 (ashita) tomorrow
  • 明後日 (asatte) the day after tomorrow
  • 昨日 (kino, kinoh, kinou) yesterday
  • 一昨日 (ototoi) the day before yesterday
  • 一日 (ichinichi, tsuitachi) one day; the first day of the month; When it is pronounced “ichinichi,” it means one day. When it is pronounced “tsuitachi,” it means the first day of the month

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