Kanji: 極
Hiragana: きわ(める)、きわ(み)、きょく、ごく
Pronunciation: Kyoku, Goku
Meaning: Extream, Climax, Quite, Very, Limit, End, Decision, Promise
- 北極星 (hokkyokusei) the North Star; Alpha Ursae Minoris
- 北極 (hokkyoku) the Arctic; North Pole
- 対極 (taikyoku) opposite; antithesis
- 電極 (denkyoku) electrode
- 極限 (kyokugen) limit; utmost limits
- 積極的 (sekkyokuteki) positive; active; proactive; aggressive
- 消極的 (shokyokuteki, shohkyokuteki, shoukyokuteki) passive; negative; pessimistic; negative-minded
- 極東 (kyokuto, kyokutoh, kyokutou) the Far East; Far Eastern; the Orient
- 極意 (gokui) main points; essential point; secret principle
- 極秘 (gokuhi) absolute secrecy; top secret; top secret; strict secret
- 極楽 (gokuraku) heaven; supreme bliss; (Buddist) paradise
- 極端 (kyokutan) extreme; limit
- 極道 (gokudo, gokudoh, gokudou) yakuza; wicked; violence
- 極み (kiwami) extremity; height; end
- 極める (kiwameru) carry out successfully (a move in sports, a pose in dance, etc.)
Special Readings:
- 月極 (tsukigime) monthly contract; monthly payment
Concept of ”極”
In geography, “極” refers to the geographical poles, namely the North Pole and the South Pole.
- North Pole: The northernmost point on Earth, located at 90 degrees north latitude.
- South Pole: The southernmost point on Earth, located at 90 degrees south latitude.
In mathematics, “極” has different meanings:
- Mathematical Pole: In complex analysis, it refers to a point where a function diverges to infinity. For example, the function f(z)=1zf(z) = \frac{1}{z}f(z)=z1 has a pole at z=0z = 0z=0.
- Polar Coordinates: Coordinates that represent a point in terms of an angle and distance from a reference point.
In physics, “極” can refer to:
- Magnetic Pole: The North Pole and the South Pole of a magnet, which serve as sources of magnetic fields.
- Electrical Pole: The positive and negative terminals of a battery or a circuit.
In philosophy or religion, “極” often signifies the ultimate or highest state, such as ultimate truth or supreme goodness.
General Usage
In everyday language, “極” can denote extremes or limits within a certain range or degree, such as extreme cold or extreme heat.
Overall, the concept of “極” encompasses the notions of extremity, limit, or ultimate state, depending on the specific context in which it is used.
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