Love 愛: Free Caligraphy Materials



Kanji: 愛
Hiragana: あい、め、いと (しい)
Pronunciation: Ai, Me, Ito (shii)
Meaning: Love


  • 愛情 (aijo, aishou, aijoh) affection; love
  • 恋愛 (renai) love; fall in love; to adore a particular person sex so strongly and to love the person so much that one becomes wistful
  • 愛でる (mederu) love; admire; appriciate
  • 溺愛 (dekiai) infatuation; excessive love; love blindly; dote upon

Special Readings

  • 愛媛 (Ehime) a prefecture of Japan
  • 愛娘 (manamusume) one’s beloved daughter
  • 愛蘭 (airurando) Ireland
  • 可愛い (kawaii) cute; adorable


What is ”Kawaii”

The Origin and Cultural Impact of “Kawaii”

The word “Kawaii” (可愛い) holds significant cultural importance in Japan, evolving from ancient times to convey charm and allure. Originally used in the Edo period to describe adorable children and animals, it has since become a cornerstone of Japanese language and culture.

The Development of “Kawaii Culture” in Japan

In modern Japan, “Kawaii” transcends its literal meaning to symbolize a cultural phenomenon. Popularized in the 1970s and 1980s through manga and anime characters, it quickly spread across mainstream culture. Phrases like “kawaii culture” and “kawaii characters” (キャラかわ) became part of everyday vocabulary.

Global Influence of Kawaii Culture

Originating from Japan, “Kawaii culture” has exerted a global influence. Fashion, cosplay, and art inspired by anime and manga have crossed borders, becoming integral to pop culture worldwide. This cultural export is celebrated for its unique blend of cuteness and creativity.


Ai, Ito are Japanese female names. Parents wish for their children to grow up to be kind and caring. They also wish that she will grow up with a lot of love and affection from people around her.

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