The Artistry of Wu Changshuo (呉昌碩)


Wu Changshuo (呉昌碩) (1844-1927) was a prominent calligrapher from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China. He was born in Shao, Zhejiang Province (浙江省紹). One of the most important figures in the history of modern Chinese art, he is considered the first of the “Four Schools of Wu (呉四派)” for his profound calligraphic skills and unique artistic style, and had a profound influence on Chinese calligraphy art.

Wu Changshuo’s Life and Period Background

Wu Changshuo was born in the 10th year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty (1844), in a family of scholars. His grandfather, Wu Cornus (呉茱萸), was a famous minister in the Qing Dynasty, and his father, Wu Yuanyu (呉淵雨), was a famous painter and calligrapher. The family environment had an important influence on Wu Changshuo’s artistic cultivation. Wu Changshuo grew up in the late Qing Dynasty, when Chinese society was in turmoil, with frequent foreign disasters and waves of ideological emancipation, and the background of this era also provided a rich soil for his artistic creation.

Wu Changshuo’s Calligraphic Achievements

Combination of tradition and innovation

Wu Changshuo’s calligraphy inherited the essence of ancient Chinese traditional calligraphy, especially Han Style, Clerical Style, Yan Style and other styles of calligraphy, but he was not confined to the tradition and was brave to innovate. He was good at drawing inspiration from natural scenery, and expressed his unique artistic style with strong and powerful ink and brush, forming the artistic characteristic of “strong and ancient, simple and clear”.

The perfect unity of truth, energy, ink and bones

Wu Changshuo’s calligraphy works, whether in cursive, regular script or clerical script, all pay attention to the unity of “truth, qi, ink and bone”. His works are not only dignified and neat, but also magnificent, long-lasting ink, strong and powerful bones, with high artistic value and aesthetic power.

Unique style of cursive writing

Wu Changshuo’s cursive writing is especially outstanding, his cursive writing is not confined to the form, his strokes are unrestrained and majestic, giving people a sense of boldness and dashing. His running cursive script is not only exquisite in technique, but more importantly, it can express the inner emotion and the pursuit of individuality, with strong artistic infectivity and aesthetic value.

Political and Social Influence of Wu Changshuo

Political stance and influence

Wu Changshuo lived in the politically turbulent period from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China. Although he was not directly involved in the political arena, his artistic activities and ideological propositions had a certain impact on the political situation at that time. He advocated that “the pen is the voice of the heart”, that he should use ink and brush to write the true feelings of his heart, and that he should hold independent views on social injustice and bad habits.

Social Status and Influence

As one of the top calligraphers in China at that time, Wu Changshuo enjoyed a high reputation and status in society. His calligraphy art had a far-reaching influence, not only had a high status in the calligraphy world, but also had an important impact on the later development of calligraphy and artistic creation.

Wu Changshuo’s artistic thought and style characteristics

Advocacy of Artistic Thought

Wu Changshuo advocated “elegance and popularity”, advocating that the art of calligraphy should not only have traditional skills, but also be able to be close to the people, so that the general public can appreciate the beauty of calligraphy. He emphasized that the art of calligraphy should be integrated into life, close to the people, so that calligraphy is no longer a lofty artwork, but a cultural form closely related to people’s lives.

Characteristics of Artistic Style

Wu Changshuo’s artistic style is mainly characterized by “elegance”, “antiquity” and “clarity”, and his works are not only neatly written, but also magnificent and drenched with ink, with high aesthetic value and artistic influence. They have high aesthetic value and artistic influence. His calligraphy works are not only exquisite in technique, but also can express his inner feelings and pursuit of individuality, giving people a profound artistic enjoyment.


Wu Changshuo not only enjoyed great fame in his time, but also had a profound influence on later generations. His calligraphy art was not only widely spread in China, but also had a certain influence on the world’s calligraphy art. His numerous disciples and wide-ranging influence have contributed to the art of Chinese calligraphy.
