Emperor Saga (嵯峨天皇) and Japanese Calligraphy (Shodo)

Who was Emperor Saga?

Emperor Saga (嵯峨天皇) was one of the emperors who ruled Japan during the Nara period (724-749) and achieved a great deal during his reign. He is known throughout Japanese history as a great ruler who contributed to the promotion of culture and political stability. In particular, his achievements in calligraphy were remarkable and known as one of “三筆 (Sanpitsu)”, the first group of three famous ancient calligraphers. He had a great influence on the development of Japanese calligraphy.

Relationship between Emperor Saga and Calligraphy

Promotion of Calligraphy

Emperor Saga himself was a lover of literature and poetry, and he was also passionate about calligraphy. During his reign, the practice of calligraphy was emphasized at court, and many literary figures and calligraphers were nurtured. He also patronized calligraphers and literati, providing opportunities for them to utilize their talents. In this way, calligraphy came to occupy a central position in court culture.

The Development of Calligraphy

During Emperor Saga’s reign, the art of calligraphy improved dramatically. Under his patronage, calligraphers pioneered new styles and techniques and produced beautiful works. His literary talent and sensibility also influenced calligraphy, resulting in poetic works of calligraphy. These works had a profound influence on later generations and laid the foundation for Japanese calligraphy.

Emperor Saga’s Politics and Society

Political Stabilization

Emperor Saga worked to stabilize politics by emphasizing cooperation with the Fujiwara clan and Buddhist monks in aristocratic society. He also devoted himself to the development of the national economy by reforming state finances and the land system. These policies led to the stabilization of his rule and the strengthening of the nation’s foundation.

Response to Natural Disasters

Emperor Saga’s reign was marked by a series of natural disasters, including natural calamities and famine. These disasters had a major impact on the national economy and people’s lives, but he responded proactively and worked to restore the nation. As a result, his rule contributed to the stabilization of the nation.

Historical Background of Emperor Saga

Cultural Flourishing in the Nara Period

The reign of Emperor Saga falls in the middle of the Nara period. This period was also a time of flourishing Buddhist culture. He himself was a devotee of Buddhism and supported many temples and priests. Under his patronage, literature and calligraphy flourished, creating a golden age of culture in the Nara period.

Prosperity of Court Culture

During Emperor Saga’s reign, culture and the arts flourished at court. His own familiarity with literature and calligraphy increased the importance of culture at court, making it a gathering place for many literary figures and artists. This flourishing of court culture influenced later generations and contributed to the development of Japanese culture.


Emperor Saga was a great ruler who made great contributions to the promotion of culture and political stability in the history of Japan, especially in his calligraphy. The culture of calligraphy nurtured during his reign was passed down to future generations and marked a glorious page in the history of Japanese art. His achievements were admired by posterity and earned Emperor Saga an everlasting reputation in the history and culture of Japan.
