Kanji: 天
Hiragana: てん、あま
Pronunciation: Ten, Ama
Meaning: Heaven, Sky
- 天気 (tenki) weather; The state of the atmosphere for an instant to a couple of days.
- 天候 (tenko, tenkoh, tenkou) weather; A state of the atmosphere that lasts from a few days to a few dozen days. Also used as a hard expression for weather.
- 晴天 (seiten) fine weather; fair weather; clear sky
- 悪天候 (akutenko, akutenkoh, akutenkou) bad weather; inclement weather
- 天井 (tenjo, tenjoh, tenjou) ceiling
- 天下 (tenka) the world, the whole country; supremacy over a nation; the ruling power
- 天才 (tensai) genius; natural gifted person; prodigy
- 天災 (tensai) disaster; natural calamity
- 天空 (tenku, tenkuu) the sky; the air
- 天狗 (tengu) long-nosed goblin; bragging; a boaster
- 天竺 (tenjiku) Ancient name for India used in China and Japan. The name “India” is derived from the Sanskrit word Sindhu, meaning “river (i.e., Indus River)” or “flood,” which became “身毒 (Shindoku)”, “信度 (Shindo)”, and “天竺 (Tenjiku)”. After the Tang Dynasty of Chine, the name “印度 (Indo)” came to be used.
- 寒天 (kanten) agar-agar
- 天女 (ten-nyo) celestial maiden; heavenly nymph; goddess of heaven
- 満天の星空 (manten-no-hoshizora) starry sky; starry night sky
- 天の川 (ama-no-gawa) Milky Way
- 天照大御神 (amaterasu-ohmikami) The sun goddess of Japanese mythology and an important symbol of the Japanese nation. She lives in a heavenly palace called 高天原(Takamagahara) and illuminates the world as the sun. At one time, when she hid in a rocky place, the world was shrouded in darkness, resulting in crop failure and suffering, but other gods arranged for her return from the rocky place, bringing light once again. For the Japanese, she symbolizes the growth and prosperity of crops and is deeply rooted in Japanese culture.
- 天橋立 (amano-hashidate) A beautiful sightseeing spot located in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.
天照大御神 (amaterasu-ohmikami): The sun goddess of Shinto
天照大御神 (amaterasu-ohmikami) is the sun goddess of Japanese mythology and is an important symbol of the Japanese nation. She lives in a heavenly palace called 高天原(Takamagahara) and illuminates the world as the sun. At one time, when she hid in a rocky place, the world was shrouded in darkness, resulting in crop failure and suffering, but other gods arranged for her return from the rocky place, bringing light once again. For the Japanese, she symbolizes the growth and prosperity of crops and is deeply rooted in Japanese culture.
天橋立 (Amanohashidate): Beautiful sightseeing spot in Kyoto
天橋立 (Amanohashidate) is a beautiful sightseeing spot located in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Located in Miyazu City facing the Sea of Japan, it features a natural landscape formed by sandbars. The name comes from the fact that the sandbar on which Amanohashidate is built looks like a bridge leading to heaven.
天橋立 (Amanohashidate) is a sandbar that stretches about 3.6 km long, with pine forests forming a beautiful landscape. The beautiful green rows of pine trees covering the sandbar are famous as the “Tunnel of Pine Trees,” and the scenery changes with the seasons.
The view from 天橋立 (Amanohashidate) is also wonderful, and the scenery of the Sea of Japan and the surrounding area seen from the observatory is spectacular. Especially during the season of autumn leaves and spring flowers, the area attracts many tourists.
Not only is it a tourist destination, but it also has a historical background. People have lived here since ancient times in Japan, and the historical culture and architecture is one of the highlights of the area.
天橋立 (Amanohashidate) combines natural beauty and historical charm, making it a favorite tourist attraction for many people. When you visit, enjoy the seasonal scenery and beautiful landscapes.
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