Wind 風: Free Caligraphy Materials



Kanji: 風
Hiragana: かぜ
Pronunciation: Kaze, Fu, Fuu, Kaza
Meaning: Wind


  • 風雲 (fu-un, fuu-un) winds and clouds; situation; nature
  • 風雪 (fu-setsu, fuu-setsu) wind and snow; snowstorm; hardships; snowstorm caused by the wind
  • 季節風 (kisetsu-fu, kisetsu-fuu) seasonal winds
  • 風景 (fu-kei, fuu-kei) scenery; landscape
  • 風圧 (fu-atsu, fuu-atsu) wind pressure; air pressure (of a typhoon, etc.)
  • 風味 (fu-mi, fuu-mi) flavor; taste
  • 台風 (tai-fu, tai-fuu) typhoon; hurricane
  • 風紀 (fu-ki, fuu-ki) public morals; discipline; manners; customs
  • 風習 (fu-shu, fuu-shuu) manners; customs
  • 風物 (fu-butsu, fuu-butsu) natural features; characteristic scenery; scenes and manners
  • 和風 (wa-fu, wa-fuu) Japanese style
  • 風船 (fu-sen, fuu-sen) balloon
  • 風土記 (fudoki) description of regional climate, culture, etc.


  • 風車 (kaza-guruma) pinwheel; windmill
  • 風見鶏 (kazamidori) weathercock; opportunists; timeserver


風 is used in Japanese male names and female names. The below is the some examples.
Male names: 風太 (futa, fuuta), 風翔 (kazato, futo, fuuto), 智風 (chikaze, tomokaze)
Female names: 風佳 (fuka, fuuka), 風美 (fumi), 風音 (kazane)

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