Shodo Calligraphy Article

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Shodo Calligraphy Article

Mastering the Brush: Japanese Calligraphy Education in Schools

Hello to all the Japanese language learners out there! As you study how to write Japanese characters, Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana, Japanese people also study how to write the characters in their schools. Then, how and what Japanese people study it? Let’s take a closer look at in this blog!
Shodo Calligraphy Article

The Key to Unlocking Kanji: Decoding the Japanese Language with Kanji Radicals

The blog provides insights into kanji, borrowed characters from Chinese, and their composition using radicals. Radicals are essential components that contribute to the meaning and pronunciation of kanji, acting as building blocks for the characters. Understanding radicals helps in deciphering the composition and nature of various kanji characters.
Shodo Calligraphy Article

Exploring On-yomi and Kun-yomi in Kanji: Understanding the Sounds of Japanese Characters

This blog post explore the concept of On'yomi and Kun'yomi in Kanji, providing a clear explanation. Kanji is an essential part of learning Japanese, and understanding how to pronounce them correctly involves On'yomi and Kun'yomi, which are special reading rules. So, let's delve into the world of Kanji's sound variations together!
Shodo Calligraphy Article

What is Kanji: Ideographic Character and The 6 Type of Kanji

Japanese language has 3 type of characters: Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana. Kanji are the Chinese characters that were adopted into the Japanese writing system and are an integral part of the language. In this blog post, I'll talk about kanji and some of its important features that foreign learners and enthusiasts of Japanese culture should know.
Shodo Calligraphy Article

The Richness of Kanji: Unveiling the Five Font Styles

5 styles as Kanji (Chinese characters) styles: “楷書 (Square style)”, “行書 (Running style)”, “草書 (Cursive style)”, “隷書 (Clerical style)”, and “篆書 (Seal style)”. Even one character can be written in a variety of styles.This article introduces all the 5 styles so that you can experience the richness of Kanji character expression.
Shodo Calligraphy Article

Kukai 空海: Unraveling a Founder of Japanese Calligraphy

“空海 (Kukai)” is the founder of the “真言宗 (Shingon sect of Buddhism)”, which brought esoteric Buddhism to Japan. He was one of “三筆 (Sanpitsu)”, the three famous ancient calligraphers. This article describes Kukai's contributions to calligraphy.
Shodo Calligraphy Article

Calligraphy Essential tools: A Closer Look at the Four Treasures

The most essential tools and materials for calligraphy are inkstones, brushes, ink, and paper. These 4 tools and materials are called “文房四宝(Bumbo-shiho)”, which means 4 treasures of Shodo. These tools and materials are the most important stationery in calligraphy. This article introduces these 4 tools and materials.
Shodo Calligraphy Article

The Timeless Artistry: A Journey through the History of Japanese Calligraphy

It is necessary to mention about the introduction of characters from China to Japan when we talk about origin of Japanese calligraphy. The Chinese characters, Kanji, has been used in China since around the 3rd century B.C., but Japan didn’t have characters at that time.
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