Exploring Islamic Calligraphy: A Journey Through Art and History


Islamic calligraphy is the art of writing that developed in the Islamic world and is considered one of the most important fine arts in Islamic culture. Islamic calligraphy is considered a form of artistic expression, characterized by aesthetics, harmony and complexity.

History of Islamic calligraphy

The history of Islamic calligraphy dates back to the seventh century AD, when the Arabic language was of great importance due to the spread of Islam and the spread of the Holy Quran. The first calligraphy began to develop during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, as people wrote the Quran in simplified forms of Arabic calligraphy. As Islam expanded and spread throughout the world, a standardized writing system was needed to record the Quran, hadiths, and religious knowledge.

Islamic calligraphy styles

  1. Kufic script: The Kufic script is one of the oldest and most distinctive styles of Islamic calligraphy. This type of calligraphy originated in the city of Kufa in Iraq. Kufic calligraphy is characterized by its beautiful style and harmony of forms.
  2. The third line: The Thuluth script is one of the Islamic calligraphic styles that developed after the Kufic script. This type of calligraphy is characterized by its simplicity and easy reading.
  3. Naskh calligraphy: Naskh is one of the most widespread styles of Islamic calligraphy in the Muslim world and is commonly used in writing public texts, letters, and books.
  4. Diwani calligraphy: The Diwani script is characterized by its complex geometric designs and was used to write official documents and royal orders.

The influence of Islamic calligraphy on Islamic art and culture

Islamic calligraphy is an integral part of Islamic art and culture, and has had a significant impact on many fields, including

  1. Architecture: You can find it in many mosques and Islamic schools, where Islamic calligraphy is used in decorations and writings on walls and domes.
  2. Decorations: Islamic calligraphy appears in many Islamic decorations, whether on carpets and textiles or in utensils and architecture.
  3. Visual arts: Islamic calligraphy is used in many works of art, whether paintings or sculpture.
  4. Writing: Islamic calligraphy appears in many Islamic books and manuscripts, and had a great role in spreading science and knowledge in the Islamic world.


We have explored in detail the history, styles, and influence of Islamic calligraphy in Islamic culture and art. Islamic calligraphy remains an important part of Islamic identity and is an expression of the aesthetic and rich heritage of the Islamic world.
