Kanji: 書
Hiragana: か(く)、しょ
Pronunciation: Ka(ku), Sho
Meaning: Book, Write
- 文書 (bunsho) Document
- 書物 (shomotsu) Written thing (e.g. book, musical composition)
- 図書館 (toshokan) Library
- 書跡 (shoseki) Penmanship; Writing
- 書籍 (shoseki) Book; Publications
- 書道 (shodo, shodoh, shodou) Calligraphy; Japanese calligraphy
- 書簡 (shokan) Letter; Epistle; Note; Correspondence
- 聖書 (seisho) Bible; scriptures
- 書体 (shotai) Font; Calligraphic styles; Writing styles
- 書写 (shosha) Transcription; Copying; Handwriting; Penmanship
- 書式 (shosiki) Format; Form
- 書法 (shoho, shohoh, shohou) Writing method
- 清書 (seisho) Fair copy
- 書風 (shofu, shofuu) Style of handwriting; Style of calligraphy
- 遺書 (isho) A will; A note left behind by a dead person
- 漢書 (kanjo) A history book that describes the history of the Former Han Dynasty in China.
- 書く (kaku) Write
- 書き言葉 (kakikotoba) Written language
- 手書き (tegaki) Handwriting
漢書 (kanjo): A history book describing the history of the Former Han Dynasty in China
漢書 (kanjo) is a history book that describes the history of the Former Han Dynasty in China. There is a description about Japan. It says, “Around the 1st century B.C., 倭人(Wajin; Japanese people) established about 100 small countries, and some of them sent envoys to 楽浪郡(Rakuro-gun) on the Korean peninsula.”
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