Japanese Culture

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Shodo Calligraphy Article

Exploring Japan’s Youth Culture: The Fascinating Evolution of Maru-Moji and Gal-Moji

Introduction Japan's writing culture is incredibly diverse, with various styles emerging over time. Among these, "Maru-M...
Shodo Calligraphy Article

Unveiling Katakana (カタカナ): A Fascinating Journey Through Japan’s Writing System

Introduction Hello! Today, we're going to take a detailed look at the origins of one of the three writing systems in the...
Shodo Calligraphy Article

Beauty of Hiragana (ひらがな): The Ultimate Guide to Japanese Script and Its Rich History

Introduction Hello! I'll delve into the fascinating history of one of the three main writing systems in Japanese: Hiraga...
Shodo Calligraphy Article

Embracing the Artistry of Kakizome (書初め): Dive into Japan’s New Year Tradition

Introduction Hello everyone! Today, let's delve into the exquisite tradition of Japanese culture known as "Kakizome." Ka...
Shodo Calligraphy Article

Hanging Scrolls in Tea Room: Zen Spirit and Hospitality

Hanging scroll in the Tea Room Hanging scrolls are oriental paintings or calligraphy works mounted by cloth or paper. Th...
Shodo Calligraphy Article

Japanese Culture: The Appeal and Tradition of Japanese Seals

Japanese seals are called Hanko, In, and Insho. They play an important role in Japanese culture. Seals are used to indicate personal or corporate identity and ownership, and are widely used as a substitute for signatures and seals. This article explores the Japanese seal culture and details its charms and traditions.
Shodo Calligraphy Article

Mastering the Brush: Japanese Calligraphy Education in Schools

Hello to all the Japanese language learners out there! As you study how to write Japanese characters, Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana, Japanese people also study how to write the characters in their schools. Then, how and what Japanese people study it? Let’s take a closer look at in this blog!
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